राकेश जी नेअपनी बीवी की अलमारी खोली और वहां सामने ही एक सुनहरे रंग का पैकेट सब से ऊपर रखा हुआ था। उन्होंने पैकेट खोला और उसमें रखी बेहद खूबसूरत सिल्क की साड़ी और उसके साथ की ज्वेलरी को एकटक देखने लगे। जैसे फिर से वह वापस उन्हीं दिनों में खो गए हों । कहने…
Tag: retired life
Remember the time, when you were growing up to be a young adult. That was the peak of happiness as adulthood in those times is a road towards independence. Usually, it is seen that while growing up towards old adulthood, people think that it is like going downhill. Surprisingly the research suggests a completely different…
Problems Faced By Seniors Citizens in India
The elderly population in India is one of the fastest-growing in the world. At present India is considered as the second-largest global population of aging citizens. It is expected that the present number will further increase by 2050. Nevertheless, India lacks the basic infrastructure and expertise to support the health and welfare of the elderly….
Perks of Golden Years.
Retirement years are also called golden years. Getting older has its own perks. With age, the learnings from life, which we call “crystallized intelligence” get better with time. It keeps getting better as you enter your 60s, 70s… 80s. So, you become a “Ms. / Mr. Knowall. Enjoy the new status! But remember unwanted advice…
Aging Gracefully !
Elders in Indian society take it upon them to speak in everyone’s affairs. 😛 They take it as a way to flaunt their experience of life. Here I am sharing few pointers, on what we should be doing or not doing as we age. When you get older, do not preach or teach anyone, even…
Take care of the Digestive System
One thing which comes along from childhood to being a senior citizen is a tummy ache. In school days, it might be used as an excuse many times but it evolves into a long list of digestive problems as one ages. Conditions like acid reflux and constipation are annoying but the good news is they…
Loneliness and Social Isolation in Seniors
It was way back in the nineties when I had lost my mother and I was persuading my father to wind up his home and move with me. He took three years to decide and moved with me. Here, I had constructed a completely independent unit on the first floor for him. I want him…
Creating Safe Home For Seniors
When there is a new addition to the family, we change the setting of the home in accordance with the needs of the little one. When the baby starts crawling, all the sharp corners of the furniture are guarded for the safety of the baby. Even the plug points within the range of the baby…
Being Independent in Golden Years
I promised myself to write 26 posts in April under the challenge, which I have accepted. The topic which I have opted for is about “second innings” of life that is the life after retirement. Life after retirement is totally a new ball game. It is like relearning the way to live. In this series…
Health Insurance for Seniors
Health is of prime importance at every stage of life and more so as we age. The expenses on health care increase with age. But the salary is always more than the pension. So, the healthcare expenses pinch. One should create enough kitty for health care in old age. It is not a good idea…