Should one keep the children with oneself to keep company in the old age? I have always of the opinion that children should be allowed to soar high in the sky and as parent, I will help them to find their own place in the big bad/ good world. My both children left homes after…
Rajesh Khanna
With Rajesh Khanna’s death, an era has ended. He was the one superstar, I have grown up with. “Safar” was the first movie, I saw of him as a ten years old young girl. His on screen death affected me so much, that my father has to ask the cinema hall gate keeper to let…
TV watching is not a waste of time!
An analysis of TV broadcast and how one can use the content to learn something new and useful.
20 march, 2012: Freedom!
After such a long time I am back! I was lost in work. I was working on projects, I was not convinced and finally I had taken a call and threw all of them away. How much relaxed I am. Working from home has its own advantages and disadvantages. I understand, I had enjoyed all…
On a cold morning!!
It started with full glow of sun and no fog today. I woke up when it was still dark outside. In the “goodnight mosquito repellent night lamp” light, I took hold of my mobile to know the time. It was 5.07 am. I felt happy, still 2 hours to get up. I slipped little more…
A day spent with Kusum.
It’s an old writeup, when i was reunited with my childhood friend after a gap of almost 25 years. Kusum has since left for her heavenly abode in 2014. May her soul rest in peace. Amen !
Vaishno DeviYatra
It is a general belief and saying that one can visit Vaishno devi (Mother goddess) only when Mother calls one to her abode. I had been invited by Mother in 1981/82, almost 30 years ago. I kept believing that I will go only if there is an invite from her. On 1st December, my husband told…
Thoughts on a cold morning.
It is colder than yesterday. And I believe my senses than the thermometer hanging on the wall, which says no change in temperature since yesterday. But today, my spirits are high. I have kept few work lined up for today. Its foggy outside and sun may come out of the clouds, smoke, fog or smog…
Puraana Quila, New Delhi, India
Though I had been living in and around the national capital, New Delhi for the last two decades, with a few years of sojourns away from the hustle and bustle of the region, it is my first visit to this monument. With children grown up and flown away to find their own horizons in the…
Date of the century : 11.11.11
Its 11.11.11 today. the date has been tipped as date of the century. Every year, there has to be a date which repeats after a century. Last year, it was 10.10.10. next year, it will be 12.12.12. To me it appears like any other day. I am looking forward to something unusually good to happen…