This new initiative by PM Modi is real game changer the way we Indians look at fitness and health.
In his address to launch the initiative, PM has appealed to all Indians to include physical activity and a sports in their daily activity. The initiative is launched on August 29, 2019 which is Indian hockey wizard Major Dhyan Chand’s birthday. This day has been celebrated as “National Sports Day” every year.

Why do we need such a great initiative from government to look after and better our own health? The latest data shows that most of young Indians are leading sedentary lives.

Fitness has always been part of Indian culture. Few decades ago, an average person would walk or cycle 8-10 km every day. As we progressed on economic front, we tend to walk less and drive more. And why not, when first sign of prosperity is self owned car and not the physical fitness? As the steering wheel of a car is held, we move around a lot but add inches to the girth. When this girth touches the steering wheel we buy a cycle to exercise.😋

Secondly, the work stress leaves no initiative and drive to think and act about self health. The health insurance reimburse money for hospitalisation and not a gym membership, so people go for hospitalisation rather than joining a gym or sports. 🙂 We are looking for solutions, which can be bought across the counter and involves less efforts. With an increase in income and availability of all kinds of foods, the intake quantity of food has increased many folds. Earlier there were not so many munching offerings all through the day, in between meals. Now have the problem of abundance which is the reason of patients of diabetes and heart problems.

The rate at which the younger generation is grappling with lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart diseases is very alarming . This is a phenomena which is seen world over. Many countries like Germany, China, USA etc. are trying to bring health and fitness into forefront by taking effective measures by their government. Few years , playing means physical activities, nowadays playing means sitting in front of laptop and playing “counter strike” . The technology has taken over almost every aspect of life. As they say, excess of everything is bad, same is true for overdose of technology.
The young Indians have more disposable income but availability of time is not much. They ignore spending time in travelling to go to gym or parks for walks. To make this initiative a grand success, we need better facilities around us. Government must study at the block level the basic facilities which are required to better health and fitness of citizens. Walking is the easiest way to being fit. The only investment is getting a pair of shoes and a walking track. Our roads are too congested with vehicles and walking along with them can prove to be fatal besides inhaling the fumes from the large number of vehicles.
The major reason for not been able to do enough to be fit are non availability of facilities nearby. The number of sports activity centres should be increased to facilitate the transition. To make this initiative successful, political will is mandatory. The fitness has to be brought in forefront by creating awareness about being healthy.The need of the hour is to create an environment where being healthy comes naturally and with ease. The governments at every level must work really hard to bring facilities of walking and sports nearer to the masses.
The people who have less family obligations can still make time for themselves but the mothers of young children and recently retired people who are otherwise mobile and keen to lead a healthy life are in a fix to find a place to go for a walk or take up a sports in want of the facilities. As cities are expanding and population growing we need more facilities.
Though the non availability of facilities should not be taken as an excuse. Being fit is not having a body like Shilpa Shetty, Sonam Kapoor or John Abraham. It’s about being healthy and free from diseases.
*Eat good homemade food.
*Do not count your calories but eat healthy.
*Enjoy your food.
*Your weight is not the only measure of health.
*Do not be emotionally upset. Emotions play havoc with physical health.Do not overdo.
*Do not overdo any exercise. Know your body’s capacity.

I am sure, everyone can make a difference between being healthy and obese. Rise and act for your own health !! Take charge of your own health!!
*Pics are from Google.