In Delhi which is a city that does not sleep, but rather buzzes with the incessant traffic and the noise of everyday life, there was the bodacious Delhi Public school, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the staff room interestingly fused with the sound of enthusiastic footsteps of Aditya. It was here that he started his 11th grade first day, with heart fluttering in anticipation. His father got transferred from Mumbai and he was having butterflies in his stomach. Making new friends is a little tricky business, he thought.
Aditya entered the busy halls of the school with his backpack thrown over his shoulder and feeling the adrenaline rush. As he entered the classroom, he was met the warmth of new classmates and with whirlwind of activity. One of them was Riya, a timid but entrancing figure whose smile was capable of brightening up the whole room. Sitting comfortably in the classroom and glancing at her, Aditya’s heart could not help skipping a beat each time their eyes locked.
At the lunch hour, Aditya hesitantly opened his tiffin box and Riya appeared at his desk with her own tiffin. They shook hands and introductions came next. Riya was the first friend of Aditya at his new school.They shared their tiffins. As the break time was coming to an end, Riya collected her lunchbox and shared half of the pastry with Aditya. And she also pressed a small piece of paper into Aditya’s hand. She smiled and walked back to of her seat. He opened it with shaking hands and the fine small letters made him feel like on a sudden warmth.
"Dear Aditya I trust your first day at school is progressing smoothly. I only intended to console you as I noticed your fears and agitation while you were walking into the room. I am a faithful friend to you.Riya." Aditya’s cheeks reddened as he turned his head across the room to see Riya’s eyes, a shy smile gracing his lips. It appeared as though the hands of fate had already spun their connection, stitching them in the fabric of fate.
Indeed it is an innocent story. It’s like taking the weakness of a partner and not letting them feel bad about it
As Aditya and Riya’s friendship blossomed, their story gracefully navigated through the ups and downs of their journey together. The incident of the imperfectly baked cookies became a symbolic moment, showcasing the strength of their bond through shared laughter and acceptance of imperfections.
True friendship doesn’t judge people.
The recipe might have had a mistake, thereby spoiling the cookie, but Riya accepted it – because it was baked with love and sincerity.
The intention matters.
This friendship will stand the test of time.
This story oozes positivity.