Overcoming the hurt caused by the betrayal of a loved one is a journey that is really hard. Healing is a very turbulent process, especially when someone has been cheated or betrayed due to unfaithfulness or breach of trust by their close family members or close friends . In such a case, a lot of…
Category: Blogchatter
Blogchatter is a community of bloggers founded for better blogging. It provides a platform for bloggers to showcase their writing skills and connect with fellow bloggers. The community organizes several blogging challenges throughout the year to help bloggers improve their writing and networking skills. One of the most significant events organized by Blogchatter is the A to Z Challenge. Their every activity is for promoting better blogging and bloggers. They started India’s first Ebook carnival and turned bloggers into authors. Their every move is for the betterment of the blogging community. I have really grown as a blogger after becoming a part of the community.
Theme Reveal “A2Z 2024”
April was never a favourite month of mine till I came across Blogchatter. But now, I look forward to April every year. Thanks to A2Z challenge by Blogchatter. This is almost end of March and I along am ready with my plan for this year’s challenge. This post is to reveal the theme and the…
Embracing Everyday Journey
Every day, our lives are like a beautiful tapestry being woven with unique patterns. I invite you to join me in unravelling the threads that make up a typical day in my life. Together, let’s discover the beauty that is often hidden in ordinary moments and cherish the valuable experiences that often go unnoticed. Instagram |Facebook |Youtube |Podcast …
The Desk Chronicles: Unveiling the Mysteries Beneath the Papers
Hello, fellow desk dwellers and paper hoarders! Today, I embarked on a perilous journey into the depths of my cluttered desk, armed with a determination to conquer the chaos and emerge victorious over the sea of papers. Little did I know that this escapade would unravel a saga as epic as the battle of good…
Book Review – Windows11Quick Start by Anand Narayanaswamy
In the realm of technology literature, Anand Narayanswamy’s “Windows 11 Quickstart” stands out as an exemplary guide tailored for non-tech individuals navigating the ever-evolving landscape of operating systems. This comprehensive book is a beacon for those seeking a detailed, step-by-step exploration of Windows 11 without drowning in technical jargon. One of the key strengths of…
Book Review – Imperfect Parenting
“Imperfect Parenting: Honest Stories from Global Parents” is a remarkable book that shares the parenting journeys of parents living around the world. What stood out the most was its portrayal of real and honest experiences of parents navigating the challenges of raising children in today’s digital, media-influenced, and virtual world with grace and consciousness. I…
Book Review – “The Blogchatter Book of Thrillers”
This anthology of fifteen thrilling stories curated by the Blogchatter community goes beyond conventional classifications, diving into a hallucinatory world where restless souls seek redemption, quests for justice and revenge play out, and love yearns to blossom amidst chilling tales. Story Summaries: “Against My Windowpane” by Rehana Sultana: The traumatic impact of losing a…
Book Review – “Branches of Study in Sanskrit” – A Timeless Journey Through Ancient Wisdom
In Indian culture, our profound traditional knowledge is predominantly preserved in Sanskrit. However, due to the language’s declining usage, we risk overlooking the treasure trove contained in our ancient scriptures. This book is a dedicated effort by the author to bridge that gap and reintroduce this invaluable wisdom to our people, ensuring our heritage is…
Mastering the Art of Triangular Reading: A Reader, Reviewer, and Writer’s Guide
Reading is a multi-faceted experience, and how you approach a text can vary significantly depending on your role: reader, reviewer, or writer. Each perspective offers unique insights and challenges, making the act of reading a dynamic and evolving process. In this blog post, I will share how I read effectively and derive maximum value from…
Building a Secure Online Space at Home: Essential Guidelines for Parents
In today’s digital age, children are growing up surrounded by technology, and the internet plays a significant role in their lives. As a parent, ensuring a safe online environment for your children is crucial. With the rise in screen time and easy access to the internet, it’s natural to be concerned about what your children…