The A2Z challenge is a yearly feature of Blogchatter, a vibrant and active community of bloggers. I had participated in this challenge for the first time last year. You can check my posts under the category Blogchatter A2Z 2021.

This April is again full of writing fun, thanks to A2Z challenge 2022. My last year’s posts were random and actually, I had not planned anything for this year too. But this year, we all enthusiastic bloggers are connected on Whatsapp group and as I saw everyone’s theme reveals, my thoughts were pointed to a single topic, which has found great favour with me.
While going through daily newspapers, I had seen that senior citizens are a vulnerable lot in society, and with the changes in social structures, many times alone and lonely. I will be writing about their issues and solutions.
Getting older is no crime, but we must be able to enjoy these years.

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z
Responsible one. Good luck.
Thank you.