I love celebrations! I enjoy celebrating life! August 12 was my birthday and I enjoyed every moment of the day. Celebrating my being on the planet for more than five decades in good health calls for mega celebrations. I am not a party person but I enjoyed being pampered by the family. On the birthday,…
Second Innings
It’s a known fact, that if any of the parents is available to children during their growing years, children are better equipped to face their lives . Generally it is the mother, who changes her course of life.She shuns her work life to become a full time mom, which no doubt is a very fulfilling experience. Though…
On the other side of fence!
It has been almost a month, since we have been away from the mainstream of being busy working for others. The first three weeks were busy in arranging and attending a family wedding. So, it was all fun and no pain kind of time. Remaining 10 days were spent exploring the fun of relaxation and…
Juvenile Justice ?
The under 18 rapist of braveheart physiotherapy student will not be tried for the crime he has committed. This is not justified. A criminal should be tested for the crime. Age has nothing to do with it. More over, under the Indian conditions, the authencity of date of birth may be doubtful. He should undergo…
13 December
Today is a special day for me. Had my mom been alive, we all would be celebrating my parents’ 60th anniversary. Friends, fun and lots of food would be the main flavours. I can visualize my beautiful mom in silver hair , with bright red bindi and a bright coloured silk sari and handsome papa…
Self Realization ?
The last few days of the year! Its so near in past, when we welcomed 2012! Now, at this juncture of my life, I am questioning myself, why was I born? The urge to self realization is growing. When I look back, I found that such thoughts never occured. I was too busy, fulfilling the…
My Moma!
माँ , एक सपना सी हो गयी हो तुम तो! तुम हो आंसू की बूँद, जो अंखियों मे ही बस के रह गयी, अब तो एक अरसा हो गया, कुछ अपनी कहे कुछ तुम्हारी सुने, पर आज भी माँ , तेरी व्ह खिलखिलाती हंसी आँखों मैं है मेरे बसी, बस दिखती ही नहीं हो, यूँ…
On a Sunday Morning : At Bharatpur National Bird park
We were planning to visit this national bird park since long, and the opportunity came in, when I received an invite from an old friend Nahid to attend her daughter’s wedding at Mathura. It was my first chance to witness and be part of nikah. As the wedding was in day time,we planned to visit…
Completion by Reflection
Reflections :
Reflections on life’s issues, problems and celebrations help complete the picture of life.
Alone or with Children
Should one keep the children with oneself to keep company in the old age? I have always been of the opinion that children should be allowed to soar and explore and as parent, I will help them to find their own place in the big bad/ good world. Both of my children left homes after…