What does it mean to age gracefully? If you’ve entered into fifties, this thought most likely has crossed your mind. Many of us may want to look as young and for as long as we can. Then there are those who think and accept the weight gain and sagging skin as a natural part of ageing. In my opinion, we should spend our golden years easing into a long and relaxing manner with a mindset to match.

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to the life after fifty, sixty and beyond. But I do believe that ageing gracefully has everything to do with our inner attitude and gratitude toward life. To me, it means staying curious, gracious and living a fit and vital life. The fundamentals of feeling fit and vital at every age is regular exercise, taking proper nutrition, maintaining self-confidence and self care. Anything and everything that will help us lead our best lives, are essential to age gracefully.
Start from today. The first step to start is to consider how fit, young, and vital you are today. What is vitality? According to the dictionary, vitality is a noun and means the state of being strong and active. Also, some one who exuberants physical strength or mental vigour. A vital woman ( men too 🙂 ) exudes confidence while maintaining an inner beauty.
Skin is the largest organ of our body and takes the brunt of all environmental changes. Keeping it healthy and in good shape is important to feel good at every age, more so as one ages. To keep it in good health, make a schedule of an annual consultation with dermatologist. With scientific intervention, the skin ageing tell tale signs can be well taken care of. This goes much beyond your regular skin care routines.

To keep skin healthy, maintain the simple beauty regime of cleaning, toning and moisturising. Procrastination is to be avoided. Retinol and face serums are good for ageing and should be used regularly to keep skin healthy. Check other skin care products her. My number one rule is to remove any trace of makeup before going to bed . It’s simple. Going to bed without makeup gives the skin a chance to breathe. Lately, I’ve shifted to herbal cleanser by Rashi’s. Her products are handcrafted, limited edition and are extremely good. I shall be doing a post about her product range soon. In the mean time, if you really cant wait till I do that post, try her products by clicking on this link here.

Go to a good local spa for once a month facial. This is one pleasure I never feel guilty about. An hour out of my busy schedule is to unwind and relax. My skin loves the attention it receives. These days, I am taking services of Urban Company to have a spa session at home. The professional comes with a bed too. I love this experience. There are self facial kits available in plenty, which can also be used, in case going to parlour or taking home services of others is not on your “to do list” as of now. Here is one which I have used when I just wanted to do it myself. It’s results are visible and remarkable.
Drink plenty of water and stay hyderated. I have seen that when I don’t follow this simple rule, my skin looks dull and tired. Keep a one litre bottle by your side and finish it by around 4 PM. Fill it up again and finish by the end of the day. It may appear difficult to start with but slowely, it becomes a habit.
Exfoliate once a week or sometimes twice a week. An exfoliator removes the dead skin cells and leaves the skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Rashi’s cleansing packs can be used daily. They are harmless to skin and leaves the skin soft and silky, the kind of skin you want to touch often to feel the softness. 🙂
Vitamin C helps prevent free radical damage associated with skin ageing. This one product may prove to be a game-changer in skin care. If not yet added, do add it to your skin care routine.

If you have not given a seriuos thought to your fitness journey, start immediately. No more neglecting the nutrition and daily workouts. If motivation is not so strong to keep a routine, join a class. There are plenty of classes both online and offline. Foods rich in essential fatty and Omega 3 acids are very important and must be include in your diet. This is one type of fat not needed to cut. Protein rich diet is advised. Eating everything you love in controlled portion is the key to have balanced diet. If you have any medical condition, follow the doctor’s instruction and try to lead the independent life as much as possible.
Stress takes it’s toll as one reaches the magical fifties. Though every one has their own recipes of destressing, this one is common for all of us. Unplug all electronic gadgets, apply a mask ( mask sheets is a good option) and take a catnap. It works every time.
If you are still working which is most likely if you have not touched sixty, try to think beyond your worklife. If you havenot yet developed a passionate hobby, do find one and develop it. It will come handy after retirement. The time after retirement is the time to live for self and contribute to the society. Whatever is your passion, find work in the field but be gainfully employed. It is important for mental sanity and positivity. It’s like your Ikigai. That one thing which motivates you out of bed every day. And do not forget that KFC founder started this venture at the age of 62 when people generally start considering their retirement, Colonel Harland Sanders founded KFC. 🙂

Having a good set of friends or relatives is a good idea. Going out together or having fun time at meals or just over a karaoke session or gup over a cup of tea or coffee is a good idea to keep happiness in abundance.
Do not let the sadness or dullness creep in life. As soon as you feel it, bring in some change in your routines. The dullness in every day life for a long time is a sure recipe of setting up of depression. So, be active, involved in things which give you happiness and stop caring for people who are judgemental. Live the way you want to live and keep that spark alive in your life. As they say, it’s all about attitude ! Just do it.
I am taking my blog to next level with Blogchatter #MyFriendAlexa2021
This is my 6th post in the series. You can check other posts here.
This post has some affiliate links.
Taking care of ourselves has to start right now… so that you age gracefully…
Very true. Time to take care is right now.
This is such a beautifully penned article.. loved reading it
Thank you so much.
This post looks really helpful to the ones who are going through this stage now
A beautifully written post. Such apt points all. Being in my 40s i am trying to follow most and will incorporate those i don’t
Great tips! I feel if one feels happy and healthy from the inside, that’s a good sign of aging.
Very good post on skin care.
Mind over matter.Sell0,Diet and exercise. These 3 really help I feel with graceful aging
We all have to take care of ourselves after certain age, and being positive is most important.
Absolutely true.
Loved all the pointers and are important to stay healthy both mentally and physically. My mantra is to take less stress and use less make-up, your skin will always glow.
प्रिय नीरजा, बहुत सार्थक संदेश पूर्ण लेख! बहुत सारा प्यार भरा साधुवाद!तस्वीरें बहुत कुछ कह रही हैं।👌💐
आदरणीय, आप का प्रेम ही संबल और प्रेरणा हैं. धन्यवाद।
Wonderfully crafted post. Liked every bit of it. Feeling more graceful after finishing this post.
Thanks !
I try to follow everything you have shared in your post but life has given me a raw deal and I am struggling to stay sane.
I can understand. Hugs and strength to you.
Develop a hobby and keep your body agile should be two important aspect in all phases of life.
Very true. I am happy, you liked it. Thanks.
Your views are correct, Neerja. As we grow, we should take extra care of our skin, health and most importantly, stay away from stress.
Thanks !
Great write up . Njoyed reading it